Get Menu list

Function table

  • IDOGetMenuListInfoBluetoothModel
Parameter Description Notes
minShowNum Minimum number of menus displayed int
maxShowNum The maximum number of menus displayed int
maxNum Maximum number of supported int
itemList menu sort currently displayed collection 0: invalid, 1: steps, 2: heart rate, 3: sleep, 4: photo,
5: alarm clock, 6: music, 7: stopwatch, 8: timer, 9: Exercise mode,
10: Weather, 11: Breathing exercise, 12: Find phone, 13: Stress, 14: Data ring,
15: Time interface, 16: Last activity
17: Health data, 18: Blood oxygen, 19: Menu settings, 20: Alexa voice prompt
maxItemList menu sort max display set 0: invalid, 1: steps, 2: heart rate, 3: sleep, 4: photo,
5: alarm clock, 6: music, 7: stopwatch, 8: timer, 9: Exercise mode,
10: Weather, 11: Breathing exercise, 12: Find phone, 13: Stress, 14: Data ring,
15: Time interface, 16: Last activity
17: Health data, 18: Blood oxygen, 19: Menu settings, 20: Alexa voice prompt
currentShowNum The number of lists currently displayed by the device int

Command code


[IDOFoundationCommand getMenuListInfoCommand:^(int errorCode, IDOGetMenuListInfoBluetoothModel * _Nullable data) {
    if (errorCode == 0) {
       //get success
    }else if (errorCode == 6) {
       //device not supported
    }else {
       //get failed


IDOFoundationCommand.getMenuListInfoCommand{ (errorCode, model) in
    if errorCode == 0 {
        //get success
    }else if errorCode == 6 {
       //device not supported
    }else {
       //get failed.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        
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