Data exchange function (new)

10.1 Functional Overview

When an exercise is initiated in the app, the bracelet will calculate the heart rate and calories from the exercise data generated by the app and return it to the app for data exchange; When the wristband starts to exercise, the exercise data generated by the wristband is sent to the App regularly to display the exercise data in real time. The exchange data is based on time as the only reference. During the exchange process, the current activity data needs to be judged by the movement start time. If the time does not correspond, the data cannot be exchanged.。

10.2 Initialize motion data

Parameters Description Notes
v2Model Current Interaction v2 Data Model IDOV2DataExchangeModel
v3Model Current Interaction v3 Data Model IDOV3DataExchangeModel
isV3ActivityExchange Is it a v3 active data exchange bool (Otherwise v2 active data exchange)
exchangeStatus Data exchange process status Enum (IDO_EXCHANGE_DATA_STATUS)
isNewDataExchange Whether to use the new data interaction Internal use, to distinguish old data exchange methods
delegate proxy object id
  • IDOV2DataExchangeModel
Parameters illustrate Remarks
day day int
hour hour int
minute minute int
second second int
sportType sportType

current menu v3SportsType、set100SportSort Support, motion type starts from 48, 1-29 motion type is v2 protocol

refer to the IDOSportTypes file description for motion types
targetType targetType int
0x00:no target, 0x01:Number of repetitions, unit: times,
0x02:Distance, unit: meters, 0x03:Calories, unit: kcal,
0x04:Duration, unit: minutes, 0x05: Number of steps, unit: step
targetValue target value int
forceStart Whether to force start int
retCode get into motion 0:success;
1:Device has entered sport mode failed;
2: Device battery low failure;
3:bracelet is charging
4:is using Alexa
calories calories int (Unit:J)
distance distance int (Unit:m)
durations durations< int (Unit: minutes)
step step int (Unit: step)
avgHrValue average heart rate int
maxHrValue maximum heart rate int
burnFatMins fat burning time int (minute)
aerobicMins Cardio workout time int (minute)
limitMins Maximum workout time int (minute)
isSave Is it stored BOOL
status status 0:all valid,
1:Invalid distance,
2: gps Weak signal
curHrValue current heart rate int
hrValueSerial serial number int
intervalSecond heart rate interval int
hrValues Heart rate data array str json
  • IDOV3DataExchangeModel
Parameters illustrate Remarks
day day int
hour hour int
minute minute int
second second int
sportType sportType

When the function table v3SportsType、set100SportSort support,Movement types start from 48, 1-29 movement types are v2 protocol

refer to the IDOSportTypes file description for motion types
planType planType int
0x01:running plan3km ,
0x02:running plan 5km ,
0x03:running plan 10km ,
0x04:Half Marathon Training (Phase 2),
0x05: Marathon Training (Phase 2)
actionType actionType int
1go fast;
2 Jogging;
3 Moderate Running;
4 Fast Running ;
5End the course movement (also wait for whether the user has free movement);
6 Free movement after the course ends (this field works when operate is 0x05)
errorCode errorCode int 0x00:success other failure
targetType targetType/td> int
0x00:No target, 0x01: number of repetitions, unit: times,
0x02:Distance, Unit: Meter, 0x03: Calories, Unit: Kcal,
0x04: duration, unit: minute, 0x05: number of steps, unit: step
targetValue targetValue int
forceStart Whether to force start int 0:Not mandatory, 1: Mandatory
retCode Code 0:Success;
1:The device has failed to enter sports mode;
2: The device battery is low and failed;
3: The bracelet is charging
4: Alexa is being used
5: Calling
dataVersion dataVersion int
curHrValue current heart rate int
calories calories int (unit:J)
distance distance int (unit:m)
durations durations int (Unit: minutes)
step step int (Unit: step)
swimPosture swimPosture int 0x00 : Medley;
0x01: Freestyle;
0x02: Breaststroke;
0x03: Backstroke;
0x04: Butterfly;
status get into motion start: 1, pause: 2, end: 3, 0: invalid state
isSave Whether to store BOOL
realTimeSpeed App calculation shows real-time speed, unit km/h, 100 times, 15 seconds a record int
realTimePace App calculation shows real-time pace int (Unit s)
intervalSecond heart rate interval int
heartRateCount Heart rate count int
hrValues Heart rate data array str json
warmUpSecond Warm-up duration int (seconds)
anaeroicSecond Anaerobic exercise duration int (seconds)
fatBurnSecond fat burning workout duration int (second)
aerobicSecond length of aerobic exercise int (seconds)
limitSecond Maximum workout time int (seconds)
avgHrValue average heart rate int
maxHrValue maximum heart rate int
warmUpValue warm-up value int
burnFatValue fat burning exercise int
aerobicValue aerobic exercise value int
limitValue extreme sports value int
anaerobicValue Anaerobic exercise value int
avgSpeed average speed km/h
maxSpeed Maximum speed km/h
avgStepFrequency avgStepFrequency int
maxStepFrequency maxStepFrequency int
avgStepStride avg Step Stride int
maxStepStride max Step Stride int
kmSpeed Average km pace int
fastKmSpeed Fastest km pace int
kmSpeedCount Kilometer pace int
kmSpeeds Kilometer pace collection array
mileCount mile pace array
mileCount mile pace int
mileSpeeds mile pace collection array
stepsFrequencyCount number of steps int
stepsFrequencys cadence collection array
trainingEffect Aerobic training effect Unit: None Range1.0 ~ 5.0 (*10times)
anaerobicTrainingEffect anaerobicTrainingEffect nit: None Range 1.0 ~ 5.0 (*10times)
vo2Max VO2 max Unit: ml/kg/min; range 0-80
actionDataCount The number of exercises in this exercise int
inClassCalories In-class exercise calories Unit kcal
completionRate Action completion rate 0—100
hrCompletionRate heart rate control 0—100
recoverTime recoverTime Unit hour (after the app receives the data, it needs to be decremented by one every hour)
grade Oxygen uptake level 0x01:Low 0x02: Amateur 0x03: Average 0x04: Average
0x05: Good 0x06: Excellent 0x07: Professional
actionData Action completion content array
type : Action type 1 fast walking; 2 jogging; 3 moderate running; 4 fast running
heart_con_value : Heart rate control per action
time : Action completion time in seconds
goal_time : Action target time
trainingOffset Training Course Date Offset int starts at 0
countHour count Hour int
countMinute count Minute int
countSecond countSecond int
trainingYear training Year int
trainingMonth training Month int
trainingDay training Day int
time Sports time int Unit seconds
lowHeart Heart rate range low int
heightHeart Heart rate range high int
  • app start the movement
  • IDOAppStartExchangeModel

    Parameters Description Notes
    IDONewDataExchangeModel Parent property day, hour, minute, second, sportType
    targetType Target Type 0x00: No target,
    0x01: Number of repetitions, unit: times,
    0x02: distance, unit: meter,
    0x03: calorie, unit: kcal,
    0x04: duration, unit: minute,
    0x05: number of steps, unit: step
    targetValue targetValue int
    forceStart Whether to force start 0: not mandatory, 1: mandatory
+ (BOOL)appStartSportCommandWithModel:(IDOAppStartExchangeModel *)model
                                error:(NSError **)error;
  • app Initiate movement to end
  • IDOAppEndExchangeModel

    Parameters Description Notes
    IDONewDataExchangeModel Parent Properties day, hour, minute, second, sportType
    durations Duration Unit: seconds
    calories Distance Unit:meter
    step Steps Unit:step
    isSave whether to store bool
+ (BOOL)appEndSportCommandWithModel:(IDOAppEndExchangeModel *)model
                              error:(NSError **)error;
  • app Initiate a motion pause
  • IDONewDataExchangeModel

    Parameters Description Notes
    day day int
    hour hour int
    minute minute int
    second second int
    sportType sportType int Refer to the table above
+ (BOOL)appPauseSportCommandWithModel:(IDONewDataExchangeModel *)model
                                error:(NSError **)error;
  • app Initiate exercise recovery
  • IDONewDataExchangeModel

    Parameters Description Notes
    day day int
    hour int
    minute minute int
    second second int
    sportType sportType int Refer to the table above
+ (BOOL)appRestoreSportCommandWithModel:(IDONewDataExchangeModel *)model
                                  error:(NSError **)error;
  • app Initiate v2 motion swap process
  • IDOV2AppIngDataExchangeModel

    Parameters Description Notes
    IDONewDataExchangeModel Parent property day, hour, minute, second, sportType
    status Status 0: all valid, 1: distance invalid, 2: weak gps signal
    distance distance Unit:m
    calories calories unit:J
    durations durations unit:seconds
+ (BOOL)v2_appIngSportCommandWithModel:(IDOV2AppIngDataExchangeModel *)model
                                 error:(NSError **)error;
  • app Initiate v3 motion swap process
  • IDOV3AppIngDataExchangeModel

    Parameters Description Notes
    IDONewDataExchangeModel Parent property day, hour, minute, second, sportType
    dataVersion Data Version The version number of the sports plan is 0x20,
    No need to upload sportType
    distance distance distance:m
    calories calories distance:J
    durations durations unit:seconds
    signalFlag gpsSignal strength 0: indicates weak signal, 1: indicates strong signal
    realTimeSpeed appCalculation shows real-time speed unit km/h 100 times 15 seconds a record
+ (BOOL)v3_appIngSportCommandWithModel:(IDOV3AppIngDataExchangeModel *)model
                                 error:(NSError **)error;
  • ble start campaign end reply
  • IDOBleEndReplyExchangeModel

    Parameters Description Notes
    IDONewDataExchangeModel Parent property day, hour, minute, second, sportType
    distance Distance Unit:meter
    calories Calories Unit:J
    durations Duration Unit:seconds
    errorCode Motion Data Exchange Error Code 0: success; other failures
+ (BOOL)bleEndSportReplyCommandWithModel:(IDOBleEndReplyExchangeModel *)model
                                   error:(NSError **)error;
  • ble Initiate Movement Pause Reply
  • IDOBlePauseReplyExchangeModel

    Parameters Description Notes
    IDONewDataExchangeModel Parent property day, hour, minute, second, sportType
    errorCode Motion Data Exchange Error Code 0: success; other failures
+ (BOOL)blePauseSportReplyCommandWithModel:(IDOBlePauseReplyExchangeModel *)model
                                     error:(NSError **)error;
  • ble Initiate Movement Recovery Reply
  • IDOBlePauseReplyExchangeModel

    Parameters Description Notes
    IDONewDataExchangeModel Parent property day, hour, minute, second, sportType
    errorCode Motion Data Exchange Error Code 0: success; other failures
+ (BOOL)bleRestoreSportReplyCommandWithModel:(IDOBleRestoreReplyExchangeModel *)model
                                       error:(NSError **)error;
  • app exercise program operation
  • IDOAppOperatePlanExchangeModel

    Parameters illustrate Remarks
    IDONewDataExchangeModel parent class attribute day、hour、minute、second、sportType
    operate opcode 0x01:Start exercise,
    0x02: Pause exercise,
    0x03: Resume exercise,
    0x04: End exercise
    0x05: Switch action
    trainingOffset Training Course Date Offset Starts at 0
    actionType Action Type 1 fast walk;
    2 jogging;
    3 moderate running;
    4 fast running;
    5 End the course movement (also waiting for the user to have free movement);
    6 Free movement after the course ends (this field works when operate is 0x05)
    planType planType 0x01:Running plan 3km,
    0x02: Running plan 5km,
    0x03: Running plan 10km,
    0x04: Half marathon training (Phase II),
    0x05: Marathon training (Phase II)
    errorCode Error code 0x00: success, other failures (no assignment required for delivery operations)
+ (BOOL)appPlanSportCommandWithModel:(IDOAppOperatePlanExchangeModel *)model
                               error:(NSError **)error;
  • ble Exercise plan operation reply
  • IDOBleOperatePlanReplyExchangeModel

    Parameters illustrate Remarks
    IDONewDataExchangeModel parent class attribute day、hour、minute、second、sportType
    operate opcode 0x01:Start exercise,
    0x02: Pause exercise,
    0x03: Resume exercise,
    0x04: End exercise
    0x05: Switch action
    actionType actionType 1Fast walk;
    2 Jogging;
    3 Moderate running;
    4 Fast running;
    5 End the course movement (also wait for the user to have free movement);
    6 Free movement after the course ends (this field works when operate is 0x05)
    planType planType 0x01:Running plan 3km,
    0x02: Running plan 5km,
    0x03: Running plan 10km,
    0x04: Half-marathon training (Phase 2),
    0x05: Marathon training (Phase 2)
    errorCode errorCode 0x00:success other failure (no assignment is required for the delivery operation)
+ (BOOL)blePlanSportReplyCommandWithModel:(IDOBleOperatePlanReplyExchangeModel *)model
                                    error:(NSError **)error;
  • Get v3 heart rate data
+ (BOOL)v3_getActivityHrDataWithError:(NSError **)error;
  • v3 Get activity data after exercise
+ (BOOL)v3_getActivityEndDataWithError:(NSError **)error;

10.3 proxy protocol callback

  • app Movement starts ble reply
  • IDOAppStartReplyExchangeModel

    Parameters Description Notes
    IDONewDataExchangeModel parent class attribute day、hour、minute、second、sportType
    retCode Get into motion 0: success;
    1: device has entered sports mode failed;
    2: device battery low failure;
    3: The bracelet is charging
    4: Alexa is being used
    5: On a call
- (void)appStartSportReplyWithModel:(IDOAppStartReplyExchangeModel *)model errorCode:(int)errorCode;
  • app motion pause ble reply
  • IDOAppPauseReplyExchangeModel

    Parameters Description Notes
    IDONewDataExchangeModel parent class attribute day、hour、minute、second、sportType
    errorCode errorCode 0:success other failure
- (void)appPauseSportReplyWithModel:(IDOAppPauseReplyExchangeModel *)model errorCode:(int)errorCode;
  • app exercise recovery ble reply
  • IDOAppRestoreReplyExchangeModel

    Parameters Description Notes
    IDONewDataExchangeModel parent class attribute day、hour、minute、second、sportType
    errorCode Error code 0:success other failures
- (void)appRestoreSportReplyWithModel:(IDOAppRestoreReplyExchangeModel *)model errorCode:(int)errorCode;
  • app End of exercise ble reply
  • IDOAppEndReplyExchangeModel

    Parameters Description Notes
    IDONewDataExchangeModel parent class attribute day、hour、minute、second、sportType
    errorCode errorCode 0:success other failure
    distance distance Unit: m
    calories calories Unit:J
    step step Unit: step
    avgHrValue average heart rate int
    maxHrValue maximum heart rate int
    burnFatMins fat burning time int
    aerobicMins Aerobic time int
    limitMins limit time int
- (void)v2_appEndSportReplyWithModel:(IDOAppEndReplyExchangeModel *)model errorCode:(int)errorCode;
  • v2 app ble reply in motion interaction
  • IDOV2AppIngReplyExchangeModel

    Parameters Description Notes
    IDONewDataExchangeModel parent class attribute day、hour、minute、second、sportType
    status Status Code 0: all valid,
    1: distance invalid,
    2: weak gps signal
    curHrValue current heart rate int
    distance distance unit:m
    calories calories unit:J
    step step Unit:step
    hrValueSerial serial number int
    intervalSecond heart rate interval int
    hrValues Heart rate data array
- (void)v2_appIngSportReplyWithModel:(IDOV2AppIngReplyExchangeModel *)model errorCode:(int)errorCode;
  • v3 app ble reply in motion interaction
  • IDOV3AppIngReplyExchangeModel

    Parameters Description Notes
    IDONewDataExchangeModel parent class attribute day、hour、minute、second、sportType
    dataVersion Data Version The exercise plan version number is 0x20
    curHrValue current heart rate int
    distance distance Unit: m
    calories calories Unit:J
    step step/td> Unit:step
    durations durations Unit:seconds
    swimPosture swim Posture< 0x00 :Medley;
    0x01: Freestyle;
    0x02: Breaststroke;
    0x03: Backstroke;
    0x04: Butterfly;
    status The status of the bracelet returned start: 1, pause: 2, end: 3, 0: invalid state
    status Status returned by the bracelet start:1,
    0: invalid status
    kmSpeed Average km pace int
    realTimeSpeed App calculation shows real-time speed unit km/h 100 times 15 seconds a record
    realTimePace App calculation shows real-time pace Units
    anaerobicTrainingEffect Anaerobic training effect Units: None Range 1.0 ~ 5.0 (*10 times)
    trainingEffect Aerobic Training Effects Units: None Range 1.0 ~ 5.0 (*10 times)
    countHour sports countdown int
    countMinute sports countdown int
    countSecond sports countdown seconds int
- (void)v3_appIngSportReplyWithModel:(IDOV3AppIngReplyExchangeModel *)model errorCode:(int)errorCode;
  • v3 app Get heart rate data after exercise
  • IDOHrDataExchangeModel
Parameters Description Notes
IDONewDataExchangeModel parent class attribute day、hour、minute、second、sportType
intervalSecond heart rate interval int
heartRateCount heart rate count int
hrValues Heart Rate Data Heart Rate Collection
- (void)v3_appSportHrReplyWithModel:(IDOHrDataExchangeModel *)model errorCode:(int)errorCode;
  • v3 app Return data after exercise
  • IDOV3SportEndDataExchangeModel
Parameters Description Notes
IDONewDataExchangeModel parent class attribute day、hour、minute、second、sportType
year year int
month month int
dataVersion Data Version The exercise plan version number is 0x20(32)
planType Plan Type int
0x01: Running plan 3km,
0x02: Running plan 5km,
0x03: Running plan 10km,
0x04: Half marathon training (Phase II),
0x05: Marathon training (Phase II)
intervalSecond heart rate interval int
calories calories int (Unit:J)
distance distance< int (unit:m)
durations durations int (unit:minute)
step step int (Step:number of steps)
warmUpSecond Warm-up duration int (Seconds)
anaeroicSecond Anaerobic exercise duration int (seconds)
fatBurnSecond fat burning workout duration int (seconds)
aerobicSecond length of aerobic exercise int (seconds)
limitSecond Maximum workout time int (Maximum workout time)
avgHrValue average heart rate int
maxHrValue Max Heart Rate int
warmUpValue Warm-up exercise value int
burnFatValue Fat Burning Exercise Value int
aerobicValue Cardio Value int
limitValue Extreme Sports Value int
anaerobicValue Anaerobic exercise value int
avgSpeed Average speed km/h
maxSpeed Maximum Speed km/h
avgStepFrequency Average cadence int
maxStepFrequency Maximum cadence int
avgStepStride Average stride int
maxStepStride Maximum stride int
kmSpeed Average Kilometer Pace int
fastKmSpeed Maximum Kilometer Pace int
kmSpeedCount Kilometer pace number int
kmSpeeds Kilometer pace collection array
mileCount Number of mile paces array
mileCount mile pace int
mileSpeeds mile pace collection array
stepsFrequencyCount Number of steps int
stepsFrequencys cadence collection array
trainingEffect Effect of aerobic training Unit: None Range 1.0 ~ 5.0 (*10times)
vo2Max VO2max Unit: ml/kg/min; range 0-80
actionDataCount The number of training exercises in this exercise int
inClassCalories In-class exercise calories Unit kcal
completionRate Action Completion Rate 0—100
hrCompletionRate Heart Rate Control Rate 0—100
recoverTime Recovery Duration Unit hour (after the app receives the data, it needs to be decremented by one every hour)
grade Oxygen Uptake Level 0x01: Low 0x02: Amateur 0x03: Average 0x04: Average
0x05: Good 0x06: Excellent 0x07: Professional
actionData Action completion content array
type : Movement type 1. Fast walking; 2. Jogging; 3. Moderate running; 4. Fast running
heart_con_value : Heart rate control per action
time : Action completion time in seconds
goal_time : Action target time
trainingOffset Training Course Date Offset int starts at 0
- (void)v3_appEndSportReplyWithModel:(IDOV3SportEndDataExchangeModel *)model errorCode:(int)errorCode;
  • ble stop app movement
  • IDOBleEndExchangeModel
Parameters Description Notes
IDONewDataExchangeModel parent class attribute day、hour、minute、second、sportType
distance Distance Unit:meter
calories Calories Unit:J
step Steps Unit:step
isSave whether to store bool
avgHrValue Average Heart Rate int
maxHrValue Maximum heart rate int
burnFatMins Fat Burn Time (minutes) int
aerobicMins Cardio duration (minutes) int
limitMins Maximum Workout Duration (minutes) int
- (void)bleEndAppSportWithModel:(IDOBleEndExchangeModel *)model errorCode:(int)errorCode;
  • ble Pause app movement
  • IDONewDataExchangeModel
Parameters Description Notes
IDONewDataExchangeModel parent class attribute day、hour、minute、second、sportType
- (void)blePauseAppSportWithModel:(IDONewDataExchangeModel *)model errorCode:(int)errorCode;
  • ble Resume app movement
  • IDONewDataExchangeModel
Parameters Description Notes
IDONewDataExchangeModel parent class attribute day、hour、minute、second、sportType
- (void)bleRestoreAppSportWithModel:(IDONewDataExchangeModel *)model errorCode:(int)errorCode;
  • app Operation Exercise Program Return
  • IDOAppOperatePlanExchangeModel
Parameters Description Notes
IDONewDataExchangeModel parent class attribute day、hour、minute、second、sportType
operate Action Type 0x01: start exercise,
0x02: pause exercise,
0x03: resume exercise,
0x04: end exercise
0x05: switch action
trainingOffset Course Date Offset for Training int starts at 0
actionType Action Type 1 fast walk;
2 jogging;
3 moderate running;
4 fast running
planType Plan Type 0x01: Running plan 3km,
0x02: Running plan 5km,
0x03: Running plan 10km,
0x04: Half marathon training (Phase II),
0x05: Marathon training (Phase II)
errorCode Error code int 0x00: success, other failures
- (void)appOperatePlanReplyWithModel:(IDOAppOperatePlanExchangeModel *)model errorCode:(int)errorCode;
  • ble Operation Exercise Program Return
  • IDOBleOperatePlanExchangeModel
Parameters Description Notes
IDONewDataExchangeModel parent class attribute day、hour、minute、second、sportType
operate Action Type 0x01: start exercise,
0x02: pause exercise,
0x03: resume exercise,
0x04: end exercise
0x05: switch action
actionType Action Type 1 fast walk;
2 jogging;
3 moderate running;
4 fast running
planType Plan Type 0x01: Running plan 3km,
0x02: Running plan 5km,
0x03: Running plan 10km,
0x04: Half-marathon training (Phase 2),
0x05: Marathon training (Phase 2)
errorCode Error code int 0x00: success other failure
trainingYear Year of training course int
trainingMonth Training Course Month int
trainingDay Training Session Dates int
time Action target time int in seconds
lowHeart Heart Rate Range Low int
heightHeart Heart Rate Range High int
- (void)bleOperatePlanWithModel:(IDOBleOperatePlanExchangeModel *)model errorCode:(int)errorCode;
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