Get Device Info

Device info Model Description

  • IDOGetDeviceInfoBluetoothModel
Parameter Description Notes
mode Device mode int
battStatus Battery status 0x0: normal, 0x01: charging, 0x02: full, 0x03: low battery
battLevel battery level 0~100
rebootFlag Whether to restart int
bindTimeStr Binding timestamp str
bindState bind state int
bindType Bind type 0x00 default (note that the ID number was customized before), the timeout time is invalid,
0x01(click [button below]),
0x02(for long press [button below]),
0x03(Click on the screen to confirm and cancel horizontally, confirm on the left),
0x04(Click on the screen to confirm and cancel horizontally, confirm on the right),
0x05(Click on the screen to confirm and cancel vertically, confirm on the top),
0x06(Click on the screen to confirm and cancel vertically, confirm at the bottom),
0x07click (a button on the right)
bindTimeout bind timeout The longest is 15 seconds, 0 means no timeout
platform device platform 0:nordic,10:realtek 8762x,20:cypress psoc6,30:Apollo3
40: Goodix, 50: nordic + Tailing Micro, 60: Tailing Micro+5340+no nand flash, 70: Goodix + Fu Ruikun;80:5340
isSyncConfig Whether the configuration has been synchronized bool
authCodeError Binding encryption authorization code error bool
deviceShapeType Device shape type 0: invalid; 1: circular; 2: square; 3: ellipse
deviceType device type 0: invalid; 1: watch; 2: device
dialMainVersion Custom watch face master version 从start from 1 0:not supported
showBindChoiceUi The hook ui interface is displayed when the firmware is bound 0: not required 1: required
masterDevice Primary account device Main account device: 1 Sub account device: 2
deviceBtName Device bt name str

Command code


[IDOFoundationCommand getDeviceInfoCommand:^(int errorCode, IDOGetDeviceInfoBluetoothModel * _Nullable data) {
    if (errorCode == 0) {
       //get success
    }else if (errorCode == 6) {
       //device not supported
    }else {
       //get failed


IDOFoundationCommand.getDeviceInfoCommand { (errorCode, model) in
    if errorCode == 0 {
        //get success
    }else if errorCode == 6 {
       //device not supported
    }else {
       //get failed.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        
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